Feb 27, 2015

Whoever manages to read the ancient symbols - will cause flooding of the world!

Legend says that the locals fighting a flood in "Raspuklina" on "Pisana stijena" threw clay from the rocks, unwashed sheep wool, uncooked eggs and honey combs with wax. The spring went dry, the mountain "closed"! But, because of the danger of the letter being deleted, or "interpreted", will the prophecy from the legend come true?

Prior to the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina the village Žlijeb was one of the most beautiful and best populated villages in the Višegrad county. Serbian aggression left devastating consequences on this part of the Višegrad county, the village was left without houses and inhabitants. All that was left of the village is the name.

Pisana stijena (Pisana rock)

The reason why this place became a place of mysterious legends is because of the steep rock on the slopes of Tara and Dikava, which were called by the folk Pisana stijena. Drawings or prehistoric symbols, for which the experts claim are the first indications of a pictographic or pictorial writing, leave no body indifferent.

-Once upon a time out of the rock a powerful stream of water burst creating a cave...Together with the river towards Drina it flooded the most fertile land. In the fight with the flood, especially when it rained, the inhabitants threw clay from the stones, unwashed sheep wool, uncooked eggs and honey combs with wax into "raspuklina".

Weird signals

The stream dried out, the mountain "closed", but the water burst onto the other side of Tara, into Perućica. The rock broke, the stream gushed onto the other side! Still to this day it springs and forms a river only 365 meters long, which is why people call her "river year".

Legends say that someone recorded that event onto "Pisana stijena"! To this day no one managed to read or interpret what is written. But, this miraculous story doesn't end here. The legend continues:

-When the letter is completely deleted or fully read the water will burst again from the "Pisana stijena"! As the altitude of the crack, especially during the summer time, the water appears and "deletes" the letters, the concern becomes greater that the prophecy will come true.