Jan 31, 2013

Bosnian cuisine: Krompiruša

A Bosnian favorite, krompiruša, or potato pie, is a carb lovers’ delight. Truly tasty, it’s also wonderfully simple to make.

400 g potatoes
700 g flower
1 dl oil

To make the dough or jufka, mix the flower with warm water and salt, and roll into 4 balls. Oil them well and let them stand while you prepare the filling. To make the filling, peel the potatoes and boil half-way, then place in cold water. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add some oil, salt and pepper.

Spread out the dough with your hands, cut off the thick ends. Place one fourth of the filling at one end of the dough you’ve spread out, then roll it up together with the filling and place it into a square, greased baking pan. Make sure to always use the same quantity of filling with each piece of dough, and always spread out the dough equally thin or thick. Bake at 200 C° for 12 minutes.