Bik je od početka ljudske povijesti sveta životinja koja je zbog svoje fizičke snage i impozantog izgleda dio mnogih mitoloških predaja, legendi i kultova. Među najstarijim mitovima gdje se on navodi locirana je Mesopotamija i predaja o božanstvu Gugalanni, poznatijem kao Nebeski Bik ili Bik sa Neba. Gugalanna je bio prvi muž Ereshkigala, božanstva podzemlja, mračnog svijeta bez svjetlosti. Njega su Bogovi poslali da se osveti Gilgamešu zbog toga što je odbio seksualni poziv boginje Inanne. Tom prilikom Nebeski Bik, čiji udarac nogom izaziva zemljotres, poražen je i ubijen te raskomadan od strane Gilgameša i njegovog pratioca Enkidua.
Na Bliskom istoku religijski pojam ubijanja bika je dosta čest i nalazimo ga i u predaji o genezi uobličene u perzijskom bogu Mitri, od čijeg je opisa rođenja i života nastala mitološka predaja o Isusu, koji lovi i ubija divljeg bika. Iz tijela mrtve životinje nikle su biljke, od kostiju postalo je žito a iz krvi vinova loza. Tada se stvaraju i prvi ljudi.
Bik i nakon pojave islama na ovom području ne gubi svoju božansku osobnost što se najbolje može argumentirati arapskim mitom, ili bolje rečeno kozmologijskom predstavom, o bijelom biku Kujuti koji stoji na glavi strašne zvijeri Bahamut i drži zemaljsku kuglu na svojim leđima.
Bahamut ili Behemoth naziv je za mitološku divovsku ribu koja u arapskoj kozmologiji predstavlja oslonac same planete Zemlje, i za nju mitologija tvrdi da ima mnogo očiju, ušiju, noseva i jezika po sebi. Pojedini mitovi govore kako umjesto riblje ima glavu slona ili nilskog konja, a u nekim verzijama Bahamut je zapravo morski zmaj sa oštrim zubima i udovima. Bahamut na svom snažnom tijelu drži svih sedam sfera koja u arapskoj mitologiji čine cjelokupni univerzum.
Na Bahamatu, odnosno na njegovoj glavi, pozicioniran je bik po imenu Kujuta, koji na svojim leđima nosi planinu od rubina. Na vrhu te neobične planine melek drži sedam slojeva zemlje. Alternativno, po leđima Bahamuta je zapravo površina od pijeska. Kujuta stoji na tom pijesku, a planina koju nosi na leđima ima u sebi ogromni ocean usred kojeg pluta Zemlja. Ispod Bahamuta se nalazi mračni i tajanstveni predio ispunjen maglom i vodom. Neki mitološki podaci tvrde kako ispod te tamne sfere postoji vatreni svijet u kojem obitava zmija po imenu Falak.
Bahamut je originalno mitološko stvorenje arapske mitologije, podaci o njemu se pojavljuju u kosmografskim tomovima koji datiraju iz 1291. Sam naziv na arapskom znači „zvijer“. O njemu je posebno pisao drevni arapski historičar Ibn al-Wardi, a spominje se i u Hiljadu i jednoj noći gdje se navodi priča o čovjeku po imenu Isa koji vidjevši Bahamuta od šoka i straha gubi svijest. Kada se probudi Allah ga pita da li je vidio veliku ribu. Isa odgovara da je vidio kako na glavi ribe stoji bik. Židovi su ovo mitološko stvorenje, poput mnogih drugih religijsko-mitoloških segmenata, asimilirali u svoje mitske predaje.
Arapski Kujuta i bosanski Tur
Pojedini segmenti prezentirane legende imaju dodirnih tačaka sa bosanskim mitom o gigantskom biku Turu, koji na svojim leđima nosi planetu Zemlju, i od čije volje ovisi njena ali i sudbina svih ljudi. Generalno, predaja o Turu je kratka i nema puno detalja koji bi otkrili nešto više o široj predstavi bosanske kozmologije a jedini izuzetak čini Rogatica. Naime, u tom dijelu Bosne se vjerovalo kako ispod zemlje postoji nepregledno more, na njegovoj površini pliva jedna velika riba, na ribi stoji bik a na njemu Zemlja. Kad taj bik pomjeri samo malo jednim uhom, zemlja se zatrese, a kada bi pomaknuo nogom ili čime drugim, sva bi se zemlja u more prevrnula, ali je, vjerovalo se, Allah stvorio jednu mušicu koja stalno oblijeće oko očiju tog bika i on ima od nje toliki strah da se ne smije niti pomjeriti sa mjesta.(1)
Kako kod Turaka nema zabilježene legende niti o Bahamotu niti Turu, može se zaključiti da nije bilo prenošenja mita tokom osmanlijske okupacije BiH već da je on očito rudiment nekog drevnog paganskog kulta koji su baštinili pojedini mediteranski narodi, a među njima i Iliri. Postoji logična mogučnost da su ilirski vojnici službujući u Rimskom carstvu prenijeli legendu o Turu na područje Sirije i dalje, ili obrnuto, usvojili je i donijeli na Balkan. No, kako god bilo riječ je o vrlo staroj legendi iz drevnih, antičkih vremena.
Bik je za Ilire imao vrlo značajno mjesto u religijsko-magijskom smislu te iako nemamo puno pisanih podataka o paganskim obredima naših predaka otkriveno je kroz arheološka nalazišta da su običavali vješati rogove Bos primigeniusa na začelje kuće što je imalo magijsku funkciju da štiti familiju i podari joj plodnost. Također ne treba zaboraviti navesti niti tradicionalan običaj kod ilirskih plemena prinošenja žrtve, dara u krvi i mesu Bogovima za uspješnu žetvu pšenice, kada se na nekom brdu početkom augusta klao bik.
Jedinstveni Tur
Evidentna su i druga mimoilaženja u samoj legendi, naime, kako tvrdi arapska mitologija Bahamut će kada bude Smak svijeta biti uništen od strane svoga kreatora odnosno Boga, kojemu je jedina ta zvijer potčinjena. Kod Bošnjaka se pripovijeda kako će se kijamet desiti onoga dana "kada Tur zatrese svoje tijelo", odnosno nema nikakvih navoda o klasičnoj predstavi Smaka svijeta gdje se sve odigrava Božijom voljom, što nam daje dovoljno prostora za zaključak kako je Tur zemljodržac gospodar planete i ljudi.
Isto tako, dok se u arapskoj mitologiji bik Kujuta prikazuje potpuno bijele kože u bosanskoj mitologiji on je crne boje, i svakako je povezan sa stvarnom životinjom (Bos primigenius) koja je izumrla na tlu Europe u srednjem vijeku. Najbolji dokaz njegove prisutnosti na području Bosne i Hercegovine su toponimi koji svemu daju dublju historijsku konotaciju.
Tur je u bosanskoj predaji bez imalo sumnje božanstvo i u tom obliku ne susreće se nigdje drugdje na Balkanu, niti u Europi, što samo po sebi dovoljno implicira kako je riječ o drevnom nadnaravnom biću. Prije se pretpostavljalo da njegov naziv Tur dolazi od skraćenice latinske riječi taurus no jasno je da izvorno porijeklo proizlazi od stvarnog imena divljeg goveda Bos primigenius.
Božanski Orač Vidasus
U tradicionalnom životu Bosne i Hercegovine kastrirani bik tojest vol bio je sastavni dio seoskog domaćinstva i zamjenjivao je konja, koji je imao višu tržišnu cijenu i zbog toga nije mogao biti u vlasništvu većine seoskih domaćinstava. Istražujući kroz etnološku građu i usmenu predaju vjerovanja bosanskog naroda o volu primjetno je kako se prema njemu odnosilo sa pažnjom i brigom prvenstveno zbog egzistencijalne ali i svete svrhe. Kada započne proljetno oranje zemlje volu koji se nalazio sa desne strane omotavalo se oko desnog roga crveno pletivo (niti), od čelo bi mu se razbilo kokošije jaje a vrat bi mu se namazao maslom. Sve te ritualne mjere poduzimale su se u svrhu zaštite od zla i prizivanju sreće i plodnosti.
U narodnoj astronomiji sazviježde od sedam zvijezda takozvane Plejade naziva se Volovi. To je interesantno i zbog toga što se Plejade (Messier 45) nalaze u sazviježđu Bika. Iako wikipedia tvrdi kako su Plejade zastupljene u svim mitologijama sjeverne polutke izvjesno je da se kroz legendu o Turu, ali i druga narodna predanja i vjerovanja, može nazrijeti mitološka poveznica sa Plejadama i u bosanskoj mitologiji.
Segmenti kulta božanskog bika Tura naslućuju se upravo iz dva narodna naziva sazviježđa koja se nalaze jedan uz drugi a to su Orion, skup od tri zvijezde, koje se u Bosni naziva Štapovi, i već pominjanih Volova. U proljeće, kada je vrijeme za sijanje, čim se ugledaju Štapovi na nebu, znak je da je nastupila zora, bliži se jutro, te treba nahraniti i upregnuti volove da idu orati.
Zajedno ta dva sazviježđa prezentiraju onog koji upravlja Volovima tojest ore zemlju odnosno predstavljaju mitološkog (astralnog) Božanskog Sijača, koji bi mogao biti niko drugi nego ilirski bog Vidasus, poznat kao i Žeteoc - onaj koji žanje (žito). U prilog tome ide i podatak kako su plug izmislili sami Iliri.(2)
Prema narodnoj priči iz Velike Kladuše u davnim vremenima žvio neki pohlepni čovjek koji je imao sedam volova. Kako je imao neparan broj žudio je za još jednim volom da bi ih imao osam tojest upario. Jednog dana dosjeti se kako u susjednom selu ima neki siromašan čovjek koji posjeduje samo jednog vola. - Kad ih nema više ne treba mu ni taj jedan, zaključi on i skuje plan sa sinom da odu iza ponoći u susjedno selo i ukradu ga. Što su naumili to i napraviše. Kad su došli na pola puta do kuće neki nemir uhvati oca i on reče sinu da će tu zastati da se odmore. Vidjevši u blizini stog sijena naredi mu da donese sijena i poreda ga u devet malih hrpa, jednu pored druge, a kad ovaj to učini on pusti ukradenog vola da se pogosti sijenom. No, umjesto da počne jesti od prve gomile vol se dvoumio, njuškao i tek se zaustavi na sedmoj hrpi sijena te tu započe jesti. To užasnu oca i on reče sinu: "Vidiš li ovo, sine moj, koliki smo grijeh napravili što smo ukrali vola da će nas kletva onog siromaha pratiti sve do sedmog koljena!". No, pohlepa u njemu pobijedi strah i on nastavi put kući. Nekako u to vrijeme, pošto se bližila zora, probudi se onaj siromah i krenu u štalu da nahrani vola ali čim uđe u prostoriju vidje da ga nema i shvati kako je pokraden. Od tuge i bola zaplače te prokle lopova neka ga Bog kazni i uzme mu ono što je i ovaj njemu. Ubrzo otac i sin, zajedno sa ukradenom životinjom, približiše se nadomak svoje kuće. Kad su stigli pred štalu oca iznenadi neka čudna tišina koja je dopirala iz nje, i on požuri da zapali svijeću. Blijeda svjetlost svijeće ubrzo obasja štalu. Bila je potpuno prazna. Volova nije bilo. Otac mahnito istrča napolje i uhvati se rukama za glavu od muke i bola. Onda pogleda u nebo želeći zakukati pred Bogom na tome što ga snađe i prije nego li otvori usta opazi na nebu sedam sjajnih zvijezda kako trepere zajedno te razgoračenih očiju shvati da se nema šta jadati Bogu, jer ga je on kaznio zbog velikog grijeha koji je učinio siromašnom čovjeku. Tako je po narodnom kazivanju postalo sazviježđe Volova (Plejade) kao upozorenje svima da se ne smije tuđe krasti a posebno ne volovi.(3)
(1)Zanimljivo je spomenuti kako je općenito nekada narod BiH izgled Zemlje predstavljao si kao jednu veliku četverouglastu ploču, koja se na svojim uglovima o samoj dlaci bika naslanja na četiri stupa, te se stalno čini da će svaki tren pasti. Ali neće, tvrdio je narod, jer stoji tako po Božijoj volji i milosti. Ta je ploča jednako dugačka i široka. Stupovi su joj vrlo uljašteni, visoki i tanki, te se savijaju, da se čini kako će se svaki čas prelomiti. Oni su napravljeni od bijelog mramora i usađeni u neizmjernu morsku dubinu, jer pod cijelom tom pločom (zemljom), nalazi se nepregledno more, koje ne možemo vidjeti jer je pod nama. Ovo je ogromno more i prema njemu sva druga mora su mala.
(2)U bosanskoj ljubavnoj magiji djevojka ako čara sa orasima ona gleda u Volove na nebu, jer su jači, a ako želi vidjeti (sanjati) svog budućeg muža onda navečer pogleda prema Štapovima i govori ovo:" Osvjetli me Žarinko nasiba, zapali me Planinko nasiba, da ja vidim svog suđenika. Da ga vidim večeras u snu kao na javi, ili njegovo lice da vidim, ili njegovo ime da čujem. Dok ga ne vidim on ne mogao hodati ni raditi."
(3)Motiv prenošenja (teleportacije) zemaljskog događaja koji predstavlja veliki grijeh na nebo, koje simbolizira svjetsku pozornicu, uobičajan je u bosanskim predajama. Još jedan poznati primjer je onaj kada je Bog usmrtio istog trena sina kada je zamahnuo sjekirom prema majci, želeći je ubiti, i njegovo tijelo zajedno sa sjekirom prenio na površinu punog Mjeseca, da bude svim ljudima upozorenje da moraju poštovati majku.
Jul 22, 2017
Jul 9, 2017
Jul 3, 2017
Islam – the greatest phenomenon of our age
In the 21st century Islam became much more than the largest monotheistic religion, right behind Christianity, and we certainly must regard it as a phenomenon in numerous segments. Plan which was made in the west that has a goal to misrepresent and misuse this religion and bring it in line with terrorism, in order to find a good enough reason to rob and exploit oil and gas, as well as other natural resources of individual Islamic countries, achieved a collapse and actually produced a completely opposite, unexpected effect. Coming into focus of the entire world, Islam became well-known and studied that stats record larger percentages of converts from other religions to Islam each year. Christianity which literally swallowed Judaism, though the Jews don’t accept Christianity nor Islam, moreover they despise them; they have seen from the beginning the greatest enemy, whose people possess the most important natural resources, and as such they threaten the two main principles of western civilization – hegemony and desire to dominate, which carefully has woven them in their twisted interpretation of Christianity, completely identical to the way Saudi Arabia is representing Islam today.
But, something in that skilfully crafted plan of Anglo-Saxon political elite got out of control and despite their aggressive effort and propaganda of all western media it produced a completely opposite effect. Namely, like never before in history books about Islam started to spring overnight, encyclopaedias, documentary films and movies are being made, famous newspapers started writing about Islam. Also, the internet is full of content about Islam and despite the negative propaganda of the western media, under the direct control of the American government, suddenly is became magnetically attractive to the entire world and it awakened an unforgettable interest like no religion before in the history of mankind.
Genocide over Muslims
Though Arabian and Persian people were faced with western hegemony and robbery since the colonial times, overture into new suffering and destruction by the West began on September 11th 2001 when the Saudi terrorists attacked USA, under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden, direct descendant of the Saudi monarchy, they performed a larger play than the one about the landing of American astronauts on the moon, which had a goal to open the doors to robbery of natural goods of the Middle East and genocide over Muslims.
To better grasp which key role Saudi Arabia had in all of this you need to know at the beginning that it actually isn’t even a state in the full meaning of that word, actually it is a private property of a self-proclaimed monarchy of the Saudi. Of course, don’t even think that the American government pushed the Saud’s into such a criminal act, actually it found allies in them, which had the same desire to have greater power and dominion over the entire region. From the start of this criminal undertaking the monarchy of the Saud were not even slightly interested in their globally negative effect on Islam and Muslims, but exclusively to spread their power and destroy all those they considered their enemies. That’s why a military aggression on Iraq took place, when the American’s together with the European allies killed over a million of Iraqis and after them Saudi Arabia sent their army – terrorists. Of course, for this crime none of the named will step in front of an international court because what does an Iraqi or Arab life mean to someone from the West?
Saudi monarchy before September 11th got a guarantee from USA that no one will judge them for their crimes, a similar privilege is enjoyed by the Israeli army, and that the Senate, as well as any president, will stop any attempt of placing blame or pointing of fingers towards the real culprit. In all of this the Saudi recognised a perfect opportunity to completely destabilise Iraq, second strongest rival right behind Iran. Americans will be pleased with a military aggression on Afghanistan prior to the attack on Iraq, in order to steal opal from the Afghani mountains together with their European allies and in order to ensure the production of opium. Of course, the greatest wish of the Saudi, which they share with their ally Israel, is a military strike on Iran so that it too can have the same destiny as Iraq, but such a scenario will definitely not take place since the Iranian people are united, but also militarily superior in relation to surrounding countries. This is what brings the Saudi monarchy into hysteria and a great shopping spree for armaments, which they will soon use against their own people.
Wahhabism – terrorism
Saudi monarchy’s desire for hegemony and domination after the American attack on Iraq keeps growing and it is financing the creation of the so called Islamic state which has a goal to destabilize, in the long term, besides Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Besides these ambitions among the Saudi there is a public hatred towards Muslims, while openly calling for killing of the Shiites and Alawites, they’re more discrete when it comes to the Sunni, since they’re afraid of the possible reaction of their neighbours, and they give this task to the terrorists, for which they pay up tens of millions of dollars each month. And that the Saudi are the main donors and commanders of all terrorists in the Middle East, but also in the West, was best confirmed by Putin’s sharp warning to the Saudi that if there is a terrorist attack during the Winter Olympic games in Sochi, Riyadh will be the target for Russian nuclear missiles. And as we know there were no terrorist attacks during the winter Olympics.
Root of the hatred towards the Shiite and Sunni is hidden in Wahhabism, which is a dominant religious dogma in Saudi Arabia i.e. twisted version of Islam and as such is the only religious principle of all terrorists from Al Qaeda to ISI, and all future versions of mercenaries of the Saudi monarchy. But, we shouldn’t ignore the traditional hate that USA has towards Islam which is presented for a long time through an open hostility towards the Islamic republic of Iran; Iran with its name best represents this region. Unlike Saudi Arabia, Islamic republic of Iran is the true representative of all Muslims across the globe and therefore is constantly in the sights of USA and Israel, UK, France, Germany and all those wishing to destroy Iran and with that Islam. While Iran continuously, openly calls for unity of all Muslims across the world and selflessly helps Palestine, Syria and Lebanon so that they can resist the Zionist attacks and hegemony, Saudi Arabia has an ally relationship with USA and Israel, which are as we know, declared enemies and killers of Muslims. According to this we know which side they represent and what their interests are.
Terrorist attacks in the Middle East and West – two different stories
It is interesting that in all western media pays no attention to terrorist attacks across Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and other Islamic countries, where victims number not dozens but hundreds, but as soon as such an attack takes place in the EU or USA then its headline news for days which are used to the max. Identical case is when it comes to killings in Palestine, namely, when the Jews attack the Palestinians and kill hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, then it represents short news in the western media, which are nowhere close to headline news, but if for example a Jewish child is hurt or a civilian then the media experience a hysteria and show, the ones that possess the most modern weapons, ones which always repress and undertake genocide over the Palestinians, as victims?!
But, something in that skilfully crafted plan of Anglo-Saxon political elite got out of control and despite their aggressive effort and propaganda of all western media it produced a completely opposite effect. Namely, like never before in history books about Islam started to spring overnight, encyclopaedias, documentary films and movies are being made, famous newspapers started writing about Islam. Also, the internet is full of content about Islam and despite the negative propaganda of the western media, under the direct control of the American government, suddenly is became magnetically attractive to the entire world and it awakened an unforgettable interest like no religion before in the history of mankind.
Genocide over Muslims
Though Arabian and Persian people were faced with western hegemony and robbery since the colonial times, overture into new suffering and destruction by the West began on September 11th 2001 when the Saudi terrorists attacked USA, under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden, direct descendant of the Saudi monarchy, they performed a larger play than the one about the landing of American astronauts on the moon, which had a goal to open the doors to robbery of natural goods of the Middle East and genocide over Muslims.
To better grasp which key role Saudi Arabia had in all of this you need to know at the beginning that it actually isn’t even a state in the full meaning of that word, actually it is a private property of a self-proclaimed monarchy of the Saudi. Of course, don’t even think that the American government pushed the Saud’s into such a criminal act, actually it found allies in them, which had the same desire to have greater power and dominion over the entire region. From the start of this criminal undertaking the monarchy of the Saud were not even slightly interested in their globally negative effect on Islam and Muslims, but exclusively to spread their power and destroy all those they considered their enemies. That’s why a military aggression on Iraq took place, when the American’s together with the European allies killed over a million of Iraqis and after them Saudi Arabia sent their army – terrorists. Of course, for this crime none of the named will step in front of an international court because what does an Iraqi or Arab life mean to someone from the West?
Saudi monarchy before September 11th got a guarantee from USA that no one will judge them for their crimes, a similar privilege is enjoyed by the Israeli army, and that the Senate, as well as any president, will stop any attempt of placing blame or pointing of fingers towards the real culprit. In all of this the Saudi recognised a perfect opportunity to completely destabilise Iraq, second strongest rival right behind Iran. Americans will be pleased with a military aggression on Afghanistan prior to the attack on Iraq, in order to steal opal from the Afghani mountains together with their European allies and in order to ensure the production of opium. Of course, the greatest wish of the Saudi, which they share with their ally Israel, is a military strike on Iran so that it too can have the same destiny as Iraq, but such a scenario will definitely not take place since the Iranian people are united, but also militarily superior in relation to surrounding countries. This is what brings the Saudi monarchy into hysteria and a great shopping spree for armaments, which they will soon use against their own people.
Wahhabism – terrorism
Saudi monarchy’s desire for hegemony and domination after the American attack on Iraq keeps growing and it is financing the creation of the so called Islamic state which has a goal to destabilize, in the long term, besides Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Besides these ambitions among the Saudi there is a public hatred towards Muslims, while openly calling for killing of the Shiites and Alawites, they’re more discrete when it comes to the Sunni, since they’re afraid of the possible reaction of their neighbours, and they give this task to the terrorists, for which they pay up tens of millions of dollars each month. And that the Saudi are the main donors and commanders of all terrorists in the Middle East, but also in the West, was best confirmed by Putin’s sharp warning to the Saudi that if there is a terrorist attack during the Winter Olympic games in Sochi, Riyadh will be the target for Russian nuclear missiles. And as we know there were no terrorist attacks during the winter Olympics.
Root of the hatred towards the Shiite and Sunni is hidden in Wahhabism, which is a dominant religious dogma in Saudi Arabia i.e. twisted version of Islam and as such is the only religious principle of all terrorists from Al Qaeda to ISI, and all future versions of mercenaries of the Saudi monarchy. But, we shouldn’t ignore the traditional hate that USA has towards Islam which is presented for a long time through an open hostility towards the Islamic republic of Iran; Iran with its name best represents this region. Unlike Saudi Arabia, Islamic republic of Iran is the true representative of all Muslims across the globe and therefore is constantly in the sights of USA and Israel, UK, France, Germany and all those wishing to destroy Iran and with that Islam. While Iran continuously, openly calls for unity of all Muslims across the world and selflessly helps Palestine, Syria and Lebanon so that they can resist the Zionist attacks and hegemony, Saudi Arabia has an ally relationship with USA and Israel, which are as we know, declared enemies and killers of Muslims. According to this we know which side they represent and what their interests are.
Terrorist attacks in the Middle East and West – two different stories
It is interesting that in all western media pays no attention to terrorist attacks across Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and other Islamic countries, where victims number not dozens but hundreds, but as soon as such an attack takes place in the EU or USA then its headline news for days which are used to the max. Identical case is when it comes to killings in Palestine, namely, when the Jews attack the Palestinians and kill hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, then it represents short news in the western media, which are nowhere close to headline news, but if for example a Jewish child is hurt or a civilian then the media experience a hysteria and show, the ones that possess the most modern weapons, ones which always repress and undertake genocide over the Palestinians, as victims?!